mushin dojo

Boxe in Buckinghamshire, Anglia ( Britain )

mushin dojo

Martial art: Boxe
Eskdale Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP22 5UJ, UK
Buckinghamshire, Anglia ( Britain )
Contact informations
7pm - 9pm Every wednesday.
Stoke Mandeville community centre, Eskdale road, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks.

We are a progressive dojo, I have training in traditional Japanese martial arts, specifically ninjutsu. My second instructor has vast experience as a professional kickboxer. We aim to teach in a way which combines both modern fighting methods with traditional weapons skills, and develop students with the hearts of warrior, who will be safe in any situation. We open the door to personal development, confidence building, and self reliance.
We are not your average dojo, come along and see what we have to offer.

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