Swindon Ki Aikido

Aikido in Gloucester, Anglia ( Britain )

Swindon Ki Aikido

Martial art: Aikido
Thames Ave, Swindon SN25 1QQ, UK
Gloucester, Anglia ( Britain )
Contact informations

Monday 20:00 - 22:00 All Levels
Thursday 20:00 - 22:00 All Levels,
please phone to confirm room booking for Thursday

Swindon Ki Aikido club is part of the British Ki Aikido Association (BKAA) and follows the traditional teachings of Aikido, incorporating the Ki Development exercises taught by SenseiTohei.

During our training we use open hand and weapon techniques. We introduce our novices to advanced techniques and weapons early to show what is attainable and show the effectiveness of Aikido.

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