Shaolin Kickboxing Club

Kick boxing in Greater London, Anglia ( Britain )

Shaolin Kickboxing Club

Martial art: Kick boxing
25 Ashley Lane
Greater London, Anglia ( Britain )
We aim to help people of all ages, sexes, social and ethnic backgrounds and levels of ability to achieve good health and physical fitness, to learn to defend themselves and to engage, in a sporting and social capacity, with other members of society. Shaolin Kickboxing Club improves the discipline and self confidence of our students and helps them all to realise their potential and thereby improve their contributions to their families and the wider community.

Our instructors are dedicated martial arts experts who are trained in first aid, are DBS checked and who have volunteered to teach and support the community. In addition to running regular classes, we teach at several schools, special care facilities, social and youth clubs and camps.

Our Chief Instructor, Kingsley Morgan, was recognised as a sports coach of the year by Hertfordshire Sports Partnership Service, which paid tribute to his truly exceptional accomplishments.

Shaolin Kickboxing Club is proud to have been supported by Hertsmere Borough and St Albans County Councils.

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