Bristol Krav Maga

MMA in Somerset, Anglia ( Britain )

Bristol Krav Maga

Martial art: MMA
Guthrie Rd, Bristol BS8 3EZ, UK
Somerset, Anglia ( Britain )
Regular evening sessions on:Mondays - 7.30Tuesdays - 7.00Wednesdays 7.30 pmBeginners are most welcome. Please book to turn up - please do not just walk in off the street asking to be trained - we have a short waiting list.

We are the oldest Krav Maga school in the south west. We have trained more Krav Maga Instructors than any other school in the UK. We have trained every Krav Maga Instructor in the Bristol area - irrespective of their current organisation.Our training and gradings are recognised by the British Krav Maga Association.At Bristol Krav Maga we can also offer CrossFit and MMA classes.

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