Horsham Karate Club

Karate - Wado-ryu in West Sussex, Anglia ( Britain )

Horsham Karate Club

Martial art: Karate - Wado-ryu
A281 Guildford Rd, Horsham RH12 1SR, UK
West Sussex, Anglia ( Britain )
Monsdays & Friday 6.00pm to 7.00pm children, 7.00pm to 8.00pm advance children. 8.00pm to 9.30pm Adults
Tuesday & Thursday 7.30pm to 9.30pm Adults

Horsham Karate club (established since 1980) is a group member of S.E.M.K.A. (SAMURAI ENLIGHTEN MUSHIN KARATE ALLIANCE) which is associated to the BRITISH KARATE ASSOCIATION. SEMKA is a group of clubs under the direction of P. D. Elliott 5th Dan in the style of WADO-RYU. The club has various classes for Adults, Children aged 5 to 7 and Children above 7.

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