Ryu Shotokan Karate

Karate - Shotokan in Comté de Montgomery, Kansas ( États-Unis )

Ryu Shotokan Karate

Martial art: Karate - Shotokan
Independence, KS 67301, USA
Comté de Montgomery, Kansas ( États-Unis )
Every Saturday 12:15 - 13:45

Ryu Shotokan Karate is a new club based in Staffordshire. The focus of
the club is to offer quality karate training for everyone. Ryu Shotokan
Karate boasts regional and national champions in both kata and kumite.
All our instructors are fully licensed and CRB checked. If you are
looking for a new hobby, improve your fitness or make new friends in a
friendly environment karate is a great sport and can benefit you in so
many ways.

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