White Crane Fighting Arts

Other in Comté de Talbot, Maryland ( États-Unis )

White Crane Fighting Arts

Martial art: Other
103 Railroad Ave, St Michaels, MD 21663, USA
Comté de Talbot, Maryland ( États-Unis )
Entrance to the hall can be found on either St. Michael's Place, or through the garden on Powis Road. The church is two blocks up from Western Road, and around 5 minutes walk from Seven Dials - Walk down Vernon Terrace, turn left onto Clifton Hill, then right onto either St. Michael's or Powis.
Tuesday Night: White Crane-Tiger Kung-fu,2030-2200hrs
Thursday Night: White Crane-Tiger Kung-fu, 1930-2100. Sparring, 2100-2130hrs.
White Crane Soft Art classes to begin in May. Call for details.

WCFA is a friendly, welcoming, tradional Chinese martial arts school with an emphasis on practicality.We encourage both practice and study by the student to create a rounded martial artist, offer a variety of supplementary training inIron Shirt, Weapons and soft arts, and training camps throughout the year.
If you're interested in a sophisticated, practical martial art taught in a friendly environment, we're the club for you!

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